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To understand And Apply Processes Of Cost Estimating And Cash Flow Assessment Answer

Aim of Assignment:
To understand and apply the processes of cost estimating and cash flow
You are a project manager with a conference organisation company who wants to run an international conference on project management in Perth. The project objectives are to provide the international community with project management knowledge and for your organisation to make a minimum 20 % profit.
For the purpose of this Assignment COVID – 19 can be ignored
The project sponsor for this project is Charlie Reynolds the Director of Conferences. In your first meeting with Charlie he discussed the scope of the project and asked you to submit a business case in a report format which provides an estimate, budget and cash flow and any conclusion/recommendations for the proposed conference.
The following outline scope statement was provided:
- 3-day International conference in Perth to be held in March 2023
- three high-profile international keynote speakers - one per day
- the rest of the programme to be filled with speakers from industry and academia presenting papers on Project Management
- conference delegate accommodation and transport will be at their own cost
- a conference dinner (with entertainment) to be organised on the evening of the second day
The assignment should have the look and feel of a business case and must be typed on A4 paper (using one side only of each A4 sheet of paper) in double space typing and presented with a cover sheet setting out your name, lecturer's name, unit title and the topic of the assignment. All pages should be numbered. All assignments must be thoroughly checked for typing, spelling and grammatical errors before being submitted.
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