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SAP102 Adults Requiring Protection From Domestic Violence: Research Based Essay Assessment Answer

COURSEBachelor of Community Services
LEVEL OF STUDY1st year, Trimester 3
PRE-REQUISITESAP102 Welfare Systems and Services in Australia
SAP103 Introduction to Welfare Law

Assessment 4: Research-based essay (35%)

Word Count: 1500-1700 words

The assessment will require you to research and review the relevant welfare law associated with one

of the following vulnerable client groups:

  • Children requiring protection from parental abuse;
  • Adults requiring protection from domestic violence;
  • People with a disability requiring protection from discrimination and abuse;
  • Elderly requiring protection from discrimination and abuse;
  • CALD people requiring protection from discrimination.
  • ATSI people requiring protection from discrimination.

Your essay must include the following:

  • Outline the relevant principles of welfare law (International, National and State)
  • Outline the ethical considerations that apply when assisting the client group.
  • Outline professional practice standards and/or practice protocols that apply when assisting the client group.

Your essay must be research-based and should include at least 5 current peer-reviewed (scholarly) journal articles or book chapters. This is in addition to any textbook or other references you use


The international welfare law, when integrated with the national and state law in projecting the community services highlights their effectiveness in addressing the issue of protecting adults from domestic violence in Australia. The report extracted from the Australian Bureau of Statistics claims that one in six women and one in sixteen men encounter domestic violence since adolescence (Coomber et al. 2019). The essay focuses on the relevant principles of the welfare laws and regulations used at the international, national, and state-level with a discussion of the ethical considerations of working with adults experiencing domestic violence. Besides, the discussion on the professional practices applied while working with clients to mitigate the issues of domestic violence shall be done.

The vulnerable group of adults who face domestic violence needs to be protected through community services. The process is followed with the integration of the state, national and international laws. The provision of such laws existing and functioning with effectiveness must be informed to the clients who face these atrocities at home and seek protection from law agencies. The relevant principles of laws are discussed in the following segment that relates to addressing the issues faced by the client group. 

The Domestic Violence Orders (National Recognition) 2017is the selected legislation from Western Australia. It projects the general principles on the recognition of the domestic violence order (DVO), variation to the DVO, cancellation of the DVO and making new orders (DVO, 2017). The principles in play in these laws are the right of women and children to be free from harm or violence caused within the family by some other member of the family. The intricate aspect of the principle are guided by the Family Violence Act 2016; however, as the cases of DVO are highly unexpected and different from each other, the DVO empowers the decision making authority to judge judiciously every case (Legislation Reforms Act, 2020). The scenario on the merits of the underlying principles of the FVO which are providing to all human beings the right to equality, security, liberty, integrity and dignity. Although the underlying principles of the DVO and the FVO are the same the differences between them crop up when a particular case of DVO is challenged in respect of the other laws and by-laws of the national law (Eastealet al. 2018).In such cases, the provisions underlying the FVO will be merited, and the judicious judgment will be promulgated, which will be beneficial to the distressed party and for upholding the benefit of the children. 

The National Protection Act ensured to the adult groups in Australian country. It is covered by the Family Violence Act 2016 based on the principles of recognizing the family violence order (FVO), amending the FVO, revocation of the FVO, recognizing the FVO while comparing with the old one, and enforcing new orders through FVO (General principles, 2016). The general principles of the FVO are to reduce family violence, to ensure the safety and protection of the people including children who face, experience or witness family violence, and to make the perpetrators of family violence accountable for their conduct. All this is as per the guiding principles of the Declaration of the elimination of violence against women and children passed by the United Nations Organization in the year 1993 (Wiboonpanuvej, 2020). The universal or general principles of the welfare law relate to the accountability, fair treatment to the vulnerable group which is adults in this case study, enforcement of the law and accessibility to the competent justice for the victims. The law recognizes the local FVO in the national periphery of justice, and the courts are accountable to provide FVO in protecting the adults from the domestic violence, and ensuring the parties that quick, competent, and inexpensive access to justice will be provided. 

The International Protection Act in Defending the Women is international law, discussed in this segment. It has been instrumental where the Commission of Human Rights has proposed the Framework for Model Legislation on Domestic Violence in 1996 (Commission on Human Rights, 1996). The principles highlighted in the international legislation highlights the purpose of its formation, definitions of the issues, and complaint mechanism followed in the legislation. The general principles of the international act state that gender-specific violence is recognized through this act, as well as the legislation, prohibits any violence against the adults that constitutes a severe crime in the society. The principles also highlight the remedies comprising of the penal, civil, and special domestic violence legislation assuring the victims the maximum protection through the law (Meyer & Williamson, 2020). The complaint mechanism indicated in the principles of the international law relates to the duty of the police officers in responding to the victims, and support extended to the victim through protection orders while restraining the offenders from committing further atrocities. The ethical consideration of promulgating the law against domestic violence is discussed in the following segments. 

The principles of the underlying code of ethics as followed in the community services in the context of Australia is described in this segment. The ethics iterate the responsibility of the community workers towards the clients, the employers, colleagues and the roles they perform in protecting the reputation of the trade jobs (Code of Ethics, 2017). The part of the community workers towards the clients describes that they must determine the nature of the relationship which they will share in the case. The clarity of expectations in the case must be met, and the record of the specificity of the case must be kept confidential unless any referrals to other professional consultant have to be made. Besides, other mandatory disclosures in legal requirements need to be made by the community workers (Parkinson, 2019). The community workers will need to enhance their skills and knowledge in the benefit of the clients to maintain professional boundaries with the clients and are prohibited from forming any personal relationship while assisting the client in the case. 

The Community Workers are expected to practice social justice, understand individual worth, and show human dignity in day to day professional life (Ross, 2019). The ethical dilemma confronted in assisting the clients may comprise of situations when in excitement the clients offer expensive gifts to the community worker and provoke the to accept itbreaching the confidentiality of the case, an illegal act committed by the worker or interacting on a personal level with the client on social media platforms (Surmiak, 2019). The solution of avoiding such mishaps or dilemma needs to be analyzed by the community workers regularly in their practice by consulting the code of ethics, seek advice from the superiors or from the seniors in the organization to avoid such circumstances and involve personal time and reflection to understand the intricacies of the profession while assisting the adult group in the case of domestic violence. 

The guidelines on the professional standards as maintained by the community workers are highlighted in this section. The domestic violence issues highlight several areas where the services are offered on the practices of the community workers comprises of ethical practice, provision of services and supports, regulatory framework, confidentiality in the workplace. The professional stand of the workers and the development which they show during the assistance offered to their clients encompass all these services (ACWA, 2017). The community workers are expected to follow the statutory legislation and mandatory reporting if the case to the organization for keeping the records of the cases. The workplace safety, health, and wellbeing of the clients are also assured by the community workers while providing their services to the clients. The community workers need to get updated on the norms of the profession, the laws of the state, nation, and international background, technical details of the social institutions involved in the cases of domestic violence, and keep side by side improving the knowledge on the models of the current practice of the profession as well as the theoretical concept of the profession. 

The community workers are expected to upkeep their professional and personal boundaries with the employers, colleagues and the clients while offering their services to the community. The sensitivity of the clients in the scenario of domestic violence must be acknowledged by the community workers while assisting them in their respective cases. The victims must be assured with kindness and relief by reporting and seeking justice for their causes. The incidents have to be reported and continuously recorded, which might stop the offender from committing further crimes. As informed by Wilcox et al. (2020), the mitigation plan is formulated by the community workers while recording the incident, filing the report, and seeking justice from the local court in the initial stages while informing the police to monitor the situation if the level of atrocities goes out of bound. 

In conclusion, the context of the domestic violence on the vulnerable adult group and the assistance provided by the community workers is projected. They must project social, legal, and cultural awareness which creates an impact on the profession as well as on the community. The research on three individual laws about the international, state, and national background with the vulnerable adult client group has been analyzed with their general principles while supporting their causes by the community workers. The community workers are aware of the use of the available resources while seeking justice for their clients and mitigating the issue of domestic violence.

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