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MN503 Network Requirement Analysis And Plan Albertus Magnus College Assessment 2 Answer

T3 2020 Assignment 1 Details and Submission Guidelines
Unit Code
Unit Title
Overview of Internetworking
Assessment Type
Assessment Title
Network requirement analysis and plan
Purpose of the assessment (with ULO Mapping)
This assignment is designed to assess students’ knowledge and skills related to the following learning outcomes:
b. Explain human factors in achieving business and technical goals through planning and design.
c. Investigate and develop an architectural internetworking design for the business and application domains.
Part A: 3%
Part B: 7%
10% of the total assessments
Total Marks
Word limit
PART A: Around 700
PART B: Around 1300

Assignment 1 Overview of Internetworking MN503


uploaded with the assignment 1 folder, and the link for the case study is provided in the appendix.

Albertus Magnus is a private liberal arts college with an enrollment of about 1,500 students. The new president of the college wanted to increase the enrollment of students living on campus, which required meeting student expectations for a great Wi-Fi experience. He also wanted to see greater flexibility in the delivery of courses, so that education could be more accessible to the community. The IT team implemented a new wired and wireless network infrastructure capable of supporting all of these goals.


  • Many campus buildings, including student residence halls, are historic mansions that posed significant interference problems for existing Wi-Fi equipment
  • The small IT team spent an inordinate amount of time troubleshooting Wi-Fi problems and onboarding new student devices
  • The school wanted to implement more flexible course delivery for adult education, which required a faster, higher capacity wired network

While designing the wired and the wireless network for Albertus Magnus, please consider that the 50-acre campus is instantly recognizable for its early 20th century mansions now used for residence halls and administrative offices. The mansions are considered architectural treasures by the City of New Haven. Unfortunately, they’re also structural nightmares for Wi-Fi. The existing Aruba wireless network couldn’t reliably penetrate the thick plaster walls. To say that student residents weren’t happy with the Wi-Fi experience is an understatement. “There were dead spots everywhere in the residence halls, and they’re frustrating to troubleshoot and fix,” says Steven Gstalder, Ed.D., vice president for information technology services for Albertus Magnus. “We spent a lot of time and money doing patches and adding access points.”

Based on your comprehension of the case study analyse the scenario and simulate the proposed wired and wireless network solution for Albertus Magnus College in CISCO packet tracer. The report on the proposed design must have the following contents.

  • Introduction
  • Project scope
  • Challenges and constraints
  • User-centric design concept
  • Approach adopted for the network design
  • Analysis of project hardware requirements
  • Analysis of the network design
  • Results
  • Limitations and further design
  • Conclusion
  • Demonstration of the simulation model in CISCO packet tracer
  • IEEE referencing style



Albertus Magnus College is a private art college. The new college president wants to increase the number of enrollments. Currently, they have total enrollments of about  1500. The students living on campus required high-speed wifi access for video streaming and gaming. This report will describe the existing architecture and then upgrade the current infrastructure with the latest and fastest infrastructure.  In this report, we will analyze all the challenges and provide better infrastructure with the use of latest technology and devices.  

By analysing all the issues we will develop new wireless and wired infrastructure for the college. In this document, we will discuss new infrastructure with the latest devices to improve the performance of the wireless and wired network on the campus. We also discuss the various requirements of the devices and their descriptions. 


In this report, a network design is developed and configured for the students of the college. The purpose of the new design is to provide a better facility for students in terms of internet access. The campus building has an interference issue due to the old historic buildings. 

The assumptions are provided regarding the implementation of the new infrastructure in the college campus. The project scope indicates the implementing of a new network for the college campus so that students and teaches can access the fast internet from anywhere in the campus. The network is designed to support lots of traffic by providing high-speed internet to the campus students, administrations and other members without creating any issue. 


In this case study, we have found mainly 3 main issues.  Before developing an infrastructure for the campus it is very important to analyze all the issues and challenges. It will be easy to develop a new network by avoiding all these issues and problems. 

  1. The college campus buildings are historic mansions that create lots of interference issue for the already existing wifi devices and equipment. We need to consider this challenge and create a new infrastructure to solve this issue.
  2. The small IT team of the spent lots of time in troubleshooting the wifi related issue and the onboarding are student devices.  This is another challenge in the case study to reduce the troubleshooting time of the wifi network. 
  3. Next challenge is to provide faster internet access to the students so that college can provide the flexible course delivery to the students because of video streaming and gaming required high speed of the wired network. 


This design will allow the students and staff members to use the internet from any place on the campus. Currently, there are lots of interference issue and dead spot. The academic and administrative building also have very weak wifi coverage. The proposed network will cover all the 50acre campus and provide high-speed internet connectivity. 

In this, we have created a user-centric design with the help of the virtual network to get the maximum benefit by using the fewer devices and ports. In this, we will use 120 high-performance AP and 30 Ruckus ICX Z series switches, as seen in [1] that will provide the 10 Gbe fibre backbone to the campus. Smartzone WKAN controllers, as seen in [2] will be used to handle all the wifi issue and troubleshooting. They will provide the maximum bandwidth to the users. 


Albertus Magnus College wants to upgrade its campus network infrastructure. Before developing a new network we need to consider all the challenges and issues in the existing network. In this network design, we will approach the top-down approach, according to [3]. In this approach first, we need to analyze all the requirements before choosing technologies to be used. Before moving to the implementation phase, we need to test the network design. All the suitable devices and technology will be chosen after analysing the need of the network. 

There are 3 main challenges in the case study. After analysing the issues we can select suitable devices and technology for this. In the case study, some solutions are also given. We can use the ruckus devices and technology to build this new network design. Ruskus provide both wireless and wired devices for the organizations. Ruckus Z series switches and Acess points can provide better bandwidth to the users.



In the previous part of this assignment (part a), we have discuss the scope of the project with boundary information. The three challenges identified in the part-a are properly discusses according to the case study and a user centric design is prepared with improvements. 


Here is the list of hardware requirements for the project. The hardware requirements are the most important thing. We have taken all the products from the Ruckus company. Ruckus provides both wired and wireless devices for the organizations. Ruckus provides a high-performance infrastructure to provide a high-end user experience.  We have used many types of attest hardware and devices to build this network design. 

  • Switch: switch is a network device that works with the ethernet network. It the advance version of the hub and provide better support and quality to the network. It this design we will use the Ruckus ICS switches for the network. Ruckus ICX 7150 Z series is the latest switch provided by the company. It has 3 capable 48 port switch that includes the 2.5 Gbe ports. It also includes dual hot-swappable power supplies, as seen in [1]. 
  • Access points: access points are used for providing the wifi network. It is a wireless network device used to connect the local wifi network. In this network, for better performance Ruckus, R720 Ap will be used. It supports the 802.11ac wifi network and it is the combination of beam flex and channel fly technologies. It is mainly designed for indoor applications. The entire wifi network can be controlled by the Ruckus WLAN controllers. 
  • Cables: we will use the cat 6 cable twisted pair cable and fibre cable for the network. These cables can provide high-speed data transfer. All the devices and cable supports the PoE feature i.e power over ethernet. 
  • Firewall and server: firewall can be used to increase the security of the network. In can be used to filtering the incoming messages. The server is used with the high configure network to provide the various facility. Windows Server 2016 can be used in the network that can provide the IIS support to the network. There are lots of other servers that can be used according to the need like database server, printer server, FTP etc.


In this network design, we have used almost devices from the Ruckus. With the use of ICX switches and indoor and outdoor access points the bandwidth of the network can be improved. Indoor zone flux r550 and outdoor t750 can be used. We can easily maximise the network access performance and the main benefit is it doesn’t require to replace the old cat 5 cables.  With the use of indoor and outdoor access points, wifi can be accessed from any place on the campus. The old walls of the campus can be easily penetrated and student and lecturers can access the wifi from at place at any time.

Here is the network design –   network design

In this network, we have used the Ruckus SmartZone WLAN controllers that can easily control all the wifi network. Smart zone 300 are enough for the campus network. A single SmartZone 300 can manage 10K APs and 500 switches. For securing the self-service login ruckus cloud path can be used. With the help of cloud path Devices connect over secure WPA2-Enterprise via 802.1x authentication with EAP-TLS, PEAP access methods, according to [2]. 

Switches are the backbone of the network. The ICX switch can support up to 10 Gbe fibre. It uses the 2 and 3 layer routing. ICX switches can be used for the high volume traffic requirement of the wifi network. With the use of ICX switches lost of user can be joined to the network without any issue. With the use of these ICX switches, the student can enjoy the real-time and watch streaming lectures. With the use of these ruckus devices in the infrastructure the campus network structure can be improved drastically. For the future also this network is sufficient. Besides this, we can use a heirrachical network design approach such as cisco’s multi layer approach in designing the network. Where we may have different layers of routers, switches and access points (WAP) devices to facilitate students and other users. All the combination of used devices and the network architecture used in the designing of the network will help in achieveing the targeted network architecture which meet their current and future approach. 


Here are the 4 outcomes of the network

  1. After upgrading the network now student can access reliable and fast internet connectivity. They can easily learn from the online tutorials and experience the high-speed internet connection
  2. Now the students and faculty of the college campus can use the wifi service from any place on the campus. There is not deadpoint now for the wifi connection. With the help of new devices, the old walls of the campus can be penetrated.
  3. Now the IT team need not spend lots of time in troubleshooting the wifi devise and infrastructure. With the use of latest smart devices, it becomes easy to handle all the issue and problems. 
  4. Ruckus switches are very smart and efficient. Now the streaming and the recorded lectures can be easy to access. Now the delivery of the course ate more flexible and accessible. 


There are 2 limitations of the project 

  • The prices of the Ruckus devices are very high. so the budget of the project should be high. 
  • With the used of all the latest devices, the network can be a little complicated. It requires specialization for handling the network infrastructure. 

Network infrastructure plays an important role in the organization. With the time infrastructure need to update to meet the requirements of the business and the organizations. From the future development point of view, we can say that the cloud networking system can be used in the current network infrastructure. Completely cloud-based network infrastructure can be used in the future. Software defines wide-area network are in the trend. Maybe in the future, we can use this in our network infrastructure, as seen in [3].

In this document, we have developed a new network design for the Albertus Magnus College. We have upgraded the current network infrastructure with the latest wifi and wired network infrastructure to provide the high-speed internet to the students and the lectures. We have used mostly devices from the Ruckus company to build our network design. Our new developed network design will fulfil the requirements of the college campus and attract the student towards the college. We recommended using the described network devices to gain the benefit and future networking need. 

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